
Jonah (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC) is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this lucid and vividly written commentary on the book of Jonah, Phillip Cary offers a typological reading in which Jonah represents Israel as a blessing to the nations even in its disobedience, exile, and suffering. Christians receive this blessing precisely by identifying with Jonah/Israel through faith in Jesus, Israel’s Messiah. Readers interested in Jewish-Christian relations will value...

It all starts again, just as before, with the very same words we read at the beginning except for the added phrase reminding us that it is the second time. The LORD is nothing if not persistent, always ready to begin again. But this time things should be different. For Jonah is not just starting over again; he has been given a new life out of the depths of Sheol,
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